It Won’t Happen To Me presents DRIVE FOR LIFE – a program designed to educate Teens and Parents of the serious matter that is teen driving. Throughout the program, stories will be shared of teens who have lost their lives in teen driving related CAR CRASHES. There will also be discussion regarding the decisions and choices that cost them their lives and how the accidents could have been prevented. It is said to be a very powerful program and parents are encouraged to attend with their teens.
Location: Dunwoody United Methodist Church
1548 Mt. Vernon Road
Dunwoody, GA
Who: Teens and Parents

WHAT IT IS…The Drive for Life Programs raise awareness that car accidents are the No. 1 cause of teen deaths in the country; and gives purpose to the loss experienced by families who have lost a teen because of a car accident. These families know that perhaps by raising awareness and through education this way other families may not have to go through what they are.
HOW IT GOT STARTED…These programs are put on by It Won’t Happen To Me, which was founded by Bill Richardson and Lauren Winborne, based on their experience and reserach regarding teen driving fatalities. Bill and Lauren formed It Won’t Happen to Me as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation with the specific goal to reduce teen driving fatalities. This goal has expanded to changing the mind set of teens and their parents that tragedies like this can happen to anyone. So to meet these goals, and because these deaths are usually caused by inexperience and unsafe driving habits of our young drivers, IWHTM seeks to educate teens and their parents. In addition to these programs, It Won’t Happen to Me also puts on an annual “In Memory Of” walk-a-thon for the same purpose.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE…All teens, parents of teens (especially those whose teens are preparing to start driving) are encouraged to participate in the program for a whole new perspective on the responsibility and the serious nature of teen driving.
POSSIBLE COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS…If you are a teen check with your school to see if they will give you community service credit for attending the program!
If you need further information please email Bill.
And, remember…Feed Your Good Dog, so your good dog always wins!
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