Scott Harrison has a special gift. His gift is in his natural ability to successfully promote his clients. Today, Scott’s “client” is a non-profit organization that he founded – charity:water. Charity:water brings clean and safe drinking water to people in 14 developing nations.
In his July 12, 2009 blog post, The New York Times Op-Ed Columnist Nicholas D. Kristof, gives us an idea how Scott uses his “natural gift of promotion” for charity:water to “ensure that every penny from new donors will go to projects in the field.” Kristof tells us that Scott “accomplishes this by cajoling his 500 most committed donors to cover all administrative costs.”
Scott’s journey to charity:water shows us what can happen when one uses their “gift” for good.
Scott graduated from New York University with a communications degree. He spent 10 years in special event planning and promotions, and then started a small upscale event planning and nightclub consultancy business. Kristof says that Scott “spent his nights surrounded by friends in a blur of alcohol… He lived in a luxurious apartment and drove a BMW — but then on a vacation in South America he underwent a spiritual crisis.
‘I realized I was the most selfish, sycophantic and miserable human being,’ he recalled. ‘I was the worst person I knew.’”
Scott decided to see what the opposite of his current life would look like. In August, 2004, he left the event business and all he had worked for in Manhattan to serve for a year as a volunteer photojournalist onboard the Mercy Ship Anastasis in impoverished Liberia, West Africa. – a country with no public electricity, running water or sewage.
There he became familiar with the life-threatening effects of contaminated water and in September 2005, returning home to New York City, he tested the idea behind charity: water by producing a large exhibition of his photographs and videos called mercy. Despite opening in the midst of the Hurricane Katrina disaster, Scott’s mercy. show was a success. Visitors contributed more than $96,000 towards providing medical procedures and freshwater wells in West Africa. Scott returned to West Africa for another 6 month journey in October 2005, before returning to Manhattan in the spring of 2006 to found charity:water.
Over the last 3 years, using his gift, Scott and the charity:water crew have according to Mr. Kristof’s post “raised $10 million (most of that last year alone) from 50,000 individual donors, providing clean water to nearly one million people in Africa and Asia.”
View the following video to see The Idea Camp’s interview with Scott Harrison and learn the details of his incredible journey to charity:water.
The Idea Camp – Scott Harrison from The Idea Camp on Vimeo.
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