Be who you are . . . not the person people say you are. ~Mary Parker, President and CEO, All (n) 1 Security
And, remember…Feed Your Good Dog, so your good dog always wins!
Positive Thoughts | Positive Actions | Positive Results
by Rose Caplan
Be who you are . . . not the person people say you are. ~Mary Parker, President and CEO, All (n) 1 Security
And, remember…Feed Your Good Dog, so your good dog always wins!
by Rose Caplan
Thank you Peggy Parks, founder and owner of The Parks Image Group, for reminding us to stay positive, so we can put a smile on our face today and for days to come as we choose.
A Week Without Complaining?
By Peggy Parks of The Parks Image Group
Recently I was visiting with some friends and, though I was having a great time, I must have felt frustrated by the weather, feeling tired, and everything else on my plate. Well, let me tell you that it didn’t go unnoticed. When I spoke up to quibble about some minor irritation, my friend pointed out that I’d been complaining about every little thing! Her comment took me aback, but I realized that my petty whines had made it seem like I was totally miserable. Not exactly good company, huh?
Inspired by that “wake up call” and a few bloggers that I’ve read about, I’m pledging to go complaint-free for a full week. Care to join me? Sometimes we don’t realize that letting little things getting under our skin and moaning about it makes us appear unhappy, unpleasant, and even rude. The neighbor is being too loud? If it’s not interrupting your sleep, let it slide. The restaurant is out of the dish you specifically came to eat? Try something else. You’re too busy? Take a deep breath, count to 10, and remember that some people don’t have jobs or families to keep them occupied.
I’m looking forward to biting my tongue, shrugging off those little irritations, and engaging in conversations that are more positive, upbeat, and meaningful. It’s a great way to focus on the moment and be grateful for the things that are going right, not the things that are going wrong.
Now, who’s with me?
And, remember…Feed Your Good Dog, so your good dog always wins!
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by Rose Caplan
“That’s my gift. I let that negativity roll off me like water off a duck’s back. If it’s not positive, I didn’t hear it. If you can overcome that, fights are easy.” ~George Foreman
And, remember…Feed Your Good Dog, so your good dog always wins!
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by Rose Caplan
What you thought before has led to every choice you have made, and this adds up to you at this moment. If you want to change who you are physically, mentally, and spiritually, you will have to change what you think. ~Dr. Patrick Gentempo
Source: beliefnet
And, remember…Feed Your Good Dog, so your good dog always wins!
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by Rose Caplan
Today’s MMQ is an affirmation from
I am able to positively influence my own life.
Think about ways to prove your affirmations when you say them. Actively pursue the things you state are true, and they will increase their validity to your life. Find a way to make it easy for you to do positive daily affirmations. Make them when you are doing daily routine stuff, like showering or brushing your teeth; do them in the car driving to work and while waiting for an important meeting. You will be changing negative thought patterns and training your brain to be positive while lowering your stress level.
And, remember…Feed Your Good Dog, so your good dog always wins!
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