I am honored to be a participant in CJ Stewart’s Black History Month Grit Bits. Following is my response to his prompt “Racism should cease to exist because…”
Racism should cease to exist because:
Racism keeps us from moving forward toward a more cohesive society where everyone can enjoy success. Racism stops us from realizing our full potential as human beings. The time we spend defending our positions could be better spent using our unique gifts and working together to solve problems that would help each and every one of us fulfill our God given potential.
Racism hurts us all. It hurts the oppressed, and the oppressor. Oppression is steeped in hate. Dr. King tells us in his sermon “Loving Your Enemies” that “hate brings irreparable damage to its victims.” – the oppressed. This we know all too well. The other side of the equation, not often discussed, is that “Hate is just as injurious to the person who hates.”- the oppressor. When asked to comment on an object of their hate, the oppressor is thrown off balance. Often their responses are irrational and defensive. Dr. King tells us that “Jesus taught us centuries ago: Hate divides the personality, and love in an amazing and inexorable way unites it.” He also taught us through his writings that the end of racism will not come from more legislation, it will come from the heart, so it is that we should– love they neighbor as thyself.
Racism will end when we realize that we are all connected and share a single lineage. We are all related, we are brothers and sisters. We need to understand that the concept of “race” is socially derived. Robert Wald Sussman in his November 8, 2014 Newsweek article “There is No Such Thing as Race” asserts that we have been taught over the past 500 years “that human racial biology is real and that certain races are biologically better than others.” Attitudes and behaviors rising out of this false assertion have influenced, and been influenced by, political and economic policies which have been proven to be unfavorable to minorities. Once we own this reality, learn to forgive each other, and lead with love, racism will end.
We were born to love, not hate. If you find yourself with hate or negativity in your heart then it’s time to examine your thoughts.
Why do you think Racism should cease to exist?